Commercial services Hafta
Export services
Exporting and selling goods in foreign markets has certain subtleties and sensitivities that neglecting them may waste human and financial investments in this regard. Exporting, like any other commercial activity, requires foresight, planning, familiarity with scientific methods, as well as necessary mobility and dynamism and gaining the trust of foreign buyers.
Import services
Imports from China have received attention in recent decades due to the country's ability to produce quality goods at low prices. Currently, Iran and China are important business partners for each other. Certainly, the import of goods from China, including the import of laser cutting machines, electronic components, car spare parts, etc., is very profitable for the importer. As a result, there are some tips and tricks that you can use to make a profit.
Goods transfer services
Transportation of imported and exported goods is one of the other duties of commercial companies. Moving goods between customs borders is done by air, sea, road and rail. Loading clearance cargo from customs warehouses and transferring it to warehouses of goods owners is another part of the activities of import and export companies.
Clearance service
Customs are the authorized routes for goods to enter a country. Carrying out customs and goods clearance is a very specialized process. In commercial companies, the specialized forces are familiar with all kinds of regulations and customs regulations and complete the clearance process from the customs warehouses.